以下是搜尋 "阿根" 的結果

基隆阿根納旁山坡半年兩次坍方 七月動工整治    (4)


4天前 15:14 | 自由時報 | 關鍵字: 基隆   動工   整治   邊坡   坍方   山坡   自由時報   新北報導   造船廠   阿根  

Lost in time: A look into Taiwan’s abandoned landscape

...aters around Taiwan. Most no longer exist. A more prescient example of the waning of industry, are the skeletal remains of the Agenna Shipyards (阿根納造船廠遺址) in Keelung. Throughout the seventies, the Argonaut Corporation manufactured luxury yachts here for Western clientele. But it w

4天前 00:00 | Taipei Times | 關鍵字: