以下是搜尋 "政府採購法" 的結果
宜蘭市清潔隊主管捲入弊案 涉貪污遭羈押 (3)...業負責人,涉嫌在宜蘭市公所的河濱公園採購案、租用清潔車採購案中,違反公職人員利益衝突迴避法、政府採購法的借牌投標罪嫌,企圖獲不法利益。經檢調偵辦後,宜蘭地方法院去年12月初裁定林智勇共5人羈押禁見。檢 |
全台首座智能監獄 八德外役監爆工程缺失 (13)...螢幕訊號也不穩定,工程延宕至今2年多未改善,八德外役監今(7)日表示,是該監主動發現工程缺失,按政府採購法及雙方工程契約規定逐項計罰,並要求統包廠商改善,絕無縱容或包庇之情事。 八德外役監107年9月間自辦這 |
北捷旅客年遺失物價值740萬元 藍綠議員質疑「有爭議」 (10)...。國民黨台北市議員徐弘庭則批評,高雄捷運與台鐵等單位都會舉辦遺失物拍賣會,為何北捷卻選擇採取政府採購法的模式,將變賣所得納入公司營收?他強調,「遺失物不該變成北捷私有財產,應該讓市民有機會透過拍賣 |
Taipei councilors question TRTC lost item handling...tions regarding the auctioned goods also affected the company’s daily affairs, so it decided to adhere to the Government Procurement Act (政府採購法) and put all items up as a procurement bid, instead of holding an auction, TRTC said.The most significant amount of cash found on the MRT wi |
Cities seek NT$1.93bn for MRT damage...ng being blacklisted by the New Taipei City Government, Chen said all affairs would be handled in line with the Government Procurement Act (政府採購法).BES Engineering said that it respects the professional opinion of the third-party reviewers and would examine the content in detail to clar |
廠商罷工 雲林斗六路邊停車暫停收費...天拒絕運作,市公所指責業者不應以利益考量單方面終止契約,造成停車秩序蕩然無存;公所指出,將依政府採購法規定究責,刊登政府採購公報、並重新招商,即日起先暫停收費。斗六市公所主秘孫旺田說,公所在第一時 |