以下是搜尋 "世邦魏理仕" 的結果
Life insurers get more leeway for real-estate investment...h-needed funds into the commercial property market that observed 7 percent decline last year, according to property broker CBRE Ltd Taiwan (世邦魏理仕台灣). |
Land deals soared 116 percent last year, but to turn conservative this year: CBR......t up land stock, but it would turn conservative this year amid the central bank’s lingering bid to cool real-estate lending, CBRE Taiwan (世邦魏理仕台灣) said yesterday.The value suggested a 116 percent increase from a year earlier, as developers and builders raised land stock, encourag |
工業型資產最受青睞 建商購地態度趨於謹慎 (2)【理財周刊記者顏瓊真報導】據世邦魏理仕研究部統計,2024年全台大型土地及商用不動產成交金額突破四千億元,總計新台幣4,027億元,年增幅達53%。 |
機構:2030年前需建設約2000年以來總容量兩倍的數據中心...以降低營運成本。標普預計,至2028年,柔佛州的租賃數據中心容量將超越新加坡。七、不動產服務公司「世邦魏理仕」(CBRE)則表示,電力供應的限制及政策約束使新加坡數據中心的新供應量受到抑制。低空置率及高昂的租 |