以下是搜尋 "何澄輝" 的結果
Taiwan’s tech edge to forge strong ties: experts...hanted US voters who want industries and jobs to return home to drive new economic growth, Kuma Academy (黑熊學院) cofounder Ho Cheng-hui (何澄輝) said.“During the campaign, Trump focused on the social instability and insecurity of Americans, brought on by the flood of illegal immigrant |
川普2.0戰略藍圖 台積電會被整碗捧走?專家:「去中國化」產業鏈 (6)...塑國際秩序 川普2.0的國家戰略藍圖」座談會,邀請黑熊學院共同創辦人何澄輝、台北開開門協會政策分析師詹明易等人出席。 何澄輝指出,川普2.0時代和1.0時代最大的區別是中間經過疫情,暴露出全球化產業 |